
Educating. Enlightening. Empowering.

A unique approach to connecting with your audience.

As a power couple, we bring the male and female perspectives of topics that directly connects with everyone in the room. This approach provides a healthy balance and we bring a mix of humor, inspiration, and strategies to help your audience get results. While it seems we’re joined together at the hip, we do speak individually and can tailor our lectures and workshops to best fit your event.


communication renovation

Most problems in any relationship stem from communication. As a child we learn how to communicate from those who raised us. This is where unhealthy and destructive patterns are formed. We help individuals learn how to communicate effectively.

Your audience will learn:

  • Their current communication style

  • Productive communication skills

  • How to communicate with someone of a different communication style

  • How to handle conflict effectively

Infidelity of emotional affairs

Like never before, social media has made it easy to find yourself in an emotional affair without even trying. An emotional affair is just as devastating and damaging as a physical affair. Even worse, many emotional affairs can lead to physical affairs if not dealt with appropriately.

Your audience will learn:

  • Signs you are in an emotional affair

  • How to get out of an emotional affair

  • How to prevent an emotional affair

  • How an emotional affair impacts a marriage

bounce back from betrayal

Betrayal doesn’t automatically mean the relationship is over. You can actually experience a more loving and connected relationship after a betrayal. If both people are willing to accept responsibility and take action to rebuild, your marriage can be restored.

Your audience will learn:

  • How to forgive

  • How to support one another

  • How to rebuild trust

Sex isn’t just for husbands

Past hurts and broken relationships often cause women to look at sex as a reward for their husband and an obligation for a wife. Married sex was ordained by God as a gift to be enjoyed by a husband and a wife.

Your audience will learn:

  • The lies you believe about sex

  • How sex benefits a wife

  • How to make time for sex even with little children

  • How to enjoy sex as a woman

porn to purity

People don’t like to discuss porn. Porn is in the pews and the pulpit. Over 60% of Christian men struggle with porn. Porn is a poison to any marriage.

Your audience will learn:

  • Signs of a porn addiction

  • How to combat porn

  • How porn kills a marriage

  • How porn impacts intimacy

in-laws don’t have to be outlaws

Issues with in-laws can cause major problems in marriage. It can be a difficult transition for parents and spouses. Boundaries are essential between couples and their families to maintain peace and unity in the marriage.

Your audience will learn:

  • How to handle holidays, vacations, and every day interactions

  • How to set boundaries with in-laws

  • How to handle money requests

  • How to handle children

Cheat On Your Cellphone

Cellphones are creating a divide in relationships that are ultimately leading to divorce. Cellphones provides an escape from dealing with issues present in relationships.

Your audience will learn:

  • How to connect with your spouse in a meaningful way

  • How to create intimacy in your relationship outside of sex

do your job. play your position (MEN ONLY)

Order is required for anything to function effectively as designed, included a family. Fatherlessness in an epidemic that plagues our culture. It is destroying families, even families with fathers, because these fathers never saw a father function in the home.

Your audience will learn:

  • The order of a family

  • How to operate in your role

  • How to connect with your children

  • How to connect with your wife

Divorce is the only option (WOMEN only)

No one gets married thinking divorce will be an outcome. People have this idea that their relationship is different, it would never happen to them. Many people prepare for marriage externally but few ever address the change that needs to happen on the inside. You need to divorce the old you.

Your audience will learn:

  • How your poor self-image and low self-esteem can negatively impact a marriage

  • How your communication can destroy their marriage

  • How insecurity breeds conflict

  • How to transform your thinking to improve your relationship